Global Run Benefiting Education in Kenya

Help female students in Kenya while running in Shanghai

By Alyssa Wieting, Sep 02, 2016 11:52

Can TCM Cure Childhood Asthma?

Asthma comes in different forms and levels. While Western medicine merely controls attacks, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can cure the root of the asthma. Even in the most severe cases, a reduction in symptoms can usually be achieved.

By Urban Family, May 14, 2014 12:30

How to Address the Sensitive Topic of Suicide with Our Children?

A life worth living

By Dr. Nate Balfanz, May 22, 2019 17:30

The Best Family Events in Shanghai

We have made a list of the best things to do with your family this week

By Yuzhou Hu, Apr 08, 2019 15:26

How Parents Shape a Child’s Ability to Communicate Their Feelings

Speaking from the heart

By Dr. Nate Balfanz, Feb 20, 2019 13:59

What is the Role of Empathy in Raising Happy and Successful Children?

A healthy dose of empathy

By Dr. Nate Balfanz, Aug 24, 2018 10:07

Book Review: Sasha Savvy Loves to Code

Inspiring Girls to Pursue STEM

By Natalie Foxwell, Jun 19, 2018 13:33

How to Help Children Manage the Ruptures to Friendships

Making things right

By Dr. Nate Balfanz, May 04, 2018 09:27

Movie Review: Wonder

Feel-good family flick

By Erica Martin, Apr 27, 2018 14:35

Book Review: Chinese Lessons

An Inspiring Story of One Mother's Journey to Shanghai

By Natalie Foxwell, Apr 09, 2018 09:24

How to Handle Parenting in a Culturally Diverse Context

To find a common cultural ground with the partners in raising the kids

By Dr. Nate Balfanz, Feb 23, 2018 09:31

5 of the Best Learning Apps

The best learning Apps for your kids.

By Urban Family, Nov 24, 2017 17:55

Raising Third Culture Kids: Meeting the Challenges and Reaping the Rewards

What does it mean to be a TCK?

By Shirani Alfreds, Nov 17, 2017 10:15

Readers' Picks: Learning Apps

Which Learning Apps do you recommend?

By Urban Family, Nov 14, 2017 11:25

Life of Third Culture Kids: From Honeymoon, Rejection, Acceptance to Acculturation

TCK journey and beyond...

By Amanda Abel, Nov 01, 2017 16:17

Get Your Kid’s Sleep Schedule Back on Track

Shh...It's sleep o'clock.

By Yuzhou Hu, Sep 04, 2017 10:18

Back-to-School Guide for You and Your Kids

Back-to-School Preparation 101 is now in session.

By Yuzhou Hu, Aug 31, 2017 11:00

Dragon Mama: The CTFD Method

Shirani Alfreds on how to apply CTFD method to her parenting.

By Shirani Alfreds, Jun 19, 2017 11:16

Dragon Mama: Color Blind

Is being 'color blind' ok?

By Shirani Alfreds, Jun 01, 2017 13:36

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