A 25-year-old woman in Jiangsu province has found herself a lucrative gig.
By That's, Jun 14, 2019 18:38
Bubble tea lovers beware: a recent CT scan of a 14-year-old girl in Zhejiang province revealed over 100 undigested tapioca pearls in her gastrointestinal tract.
By That's, Jun 11, 2019 15:58
This brand-new tourist attraction in China is sure to make the hairs on your body stand up.
By That's Shanghai, Sep 18, 2018 11:19
The storm is expected to land somewhere between Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu Province early Friday.
By That's Shanghai, Aug 02, 2018 14:41
a group of primary school students in Guangdong province were recently asked on a school exam whether or not they'd like their parents to have a second child.
By Urban Family, Jan 29, 2016 12:49