Best in Show 2014 Winners

As part of the Urban Family arts-themed issue, we made an open call for student artwork submissions from the Shanghai international school community for a judged competition. We were overwhelmed by the response. We received 110 works from seven different

By Urban Family, Jun 16, 2014 17:19

Langham Hotel 'Angels' Eyes' Painting Competition

On, Friday, June 13, students and teachers from the Luwan Special Needs Education School gathered at the Shanghai Langham Hotel at Xintiandi to participate in the official Angels’ Eyes painting competition. Fifteen students from this award-winning school

By Urban Family, Jun 16, 2014 13:52

Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) Highlights

The Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) runs from June 14-22 and features over 300 films. Here are some of the top family friendly options.

By Urban Family, Jun 11, 2014 16:17

Brushing Up With Fluoride

Fluoride is an essential part of children’s dental health, helping to make your kids’ teeth stronger, which prevents decay. Nothing makes a parent prouder than hearing their child come from the dentist’s office flashing their pearly whites declaring, “No

By Urban Family, Apr 17, 2014 10:50

Walk This Way: Family-Friendly Tours

Bogged down by the daily grind, it is all too easy to take the same old sights every day for granted. A walking tour provides a great way to discover or rediscover parts of the city that might otherwise be forgotten.

By Urban Family, Apr 15, 2014 14:50

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