It is no secret that Peppa Pig, the popular BBC animated television series, has captured the hearts of children around the world, despite some parents’ boycott on social media. And today, we’ve been given an even bigger insight into this, and the amount of trouble one child can cause trying to watch an episode.
Lu, a mother from Jiading District of Shanghai, may have recently experienced one of her darkest hours. Recently, her 2 year old son got hold of her iPhone while she was out, but she didn’t have any concern about this since her phone was protected by its passcode. However, when she got her phone back, she was shocked by the information on the screen, which read ‘iPhone is disabled. Try again in 25,114,980 minutes.’
READ MORE: Peppa Pig “Boycotted” by Parents on Social Media
It turned out that while she was away from her phone, her son was trying to watch Peppa Pig. “I always play Peppa Pig for him whenever he cries,” says Lu. “It works every time. I left my phone at home that day. The little one cried again, so my parents gave him the phone to soothe him. By the time I got home, my son told me that he had been trying the combination for a whole day.”
READ MORE: Peppa Pig Theme Park Coming to Shanghai
At first, Lu thought her phone would unlock in a few days, since it stated the timeframe in minutes. So, you can imagine her feeling when she put the figure into her calculator and it revealed almost 48 years. “By the time I am able to use the phone again, I will be in my 80s.” Lu says desperately.
To solve the problem Lu hurried to the Apple Store, only to be told she could either reboot her iPhone or wait for 48 years. Both of these options seem unacceptable for this poor mom, since all her data, pictures and address lists haven’t been backed up.
Many netizens have expressed their sympathy for what happened to Lu.
“OMG. That looks horrible. Thanks god my phone was locked out by my son for only half an hour.” -@laofubolixin
Others, however, can’t help but worry about the destiny of their own smart phones.
“I could totally see that happening to me. That or going down the toilet.” -@NedKelly
“Hope my little one will show mercy to my phone.” -@tongtong
I guess we can all learn a few tips from this if we want to keep our phones safe in future. Keep an eye on your phone at all times and make sure you continually back up all the significant files in advance. After all, it seems nearly impossible for young Peppa Pig fans to show any resistance.