Mom Blogger: Get Out of Dodge!

Spending the Chinese holiday at home? No problem. Mom blogger shares her tips on avoiding the crowds and making the most of your holiday at home.

By Urban Family, Sep 26, 2014 13:10

Shanghai's Best Art Museums

The city’s art scene is booming making this the perfect time explore the multitude of museums, sculptures and galleries around town.

By Urban Family, Jun 20, 2014 16:00

The summer slide: Keeping young minds active this vacation

Students of all ages digress two to three months in their academic skills during the summer if they do not have intellectual stimulation

By Urban Family, Jun 19, 2014 18:00

Fruit and Veg: Wash the pesticides away

Food safety is one of the top concerns of parents in Shanghai. One way to take control of food safety is learning how to properly wash your fruits and vegetables.

By Urban Family, May 20, 2014 14:00

Can TCM Cure Childhood Asthma?

Asthma comes in different forms and levels. While Western medicine merely controls attacks, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can cure the root of the asthma. Even in the most severe cases, a reduction in symptoms can usually be achieved.

By Urban Family, May 14, 2014 12:30

Shanghais' best bookstores for kids

Top Picks for the best bookstores Shanghai has to offer

By Urban Family, May 13, 2014 15:00

New IB Career-Related Program at SSIS

The Shanghai Singapore International School (SSIS) just received its candidacy status for the new International Baccalaureate Career-related Certificate (IBCC). It is the first school in China to offer this new program for grades 11 and 12.

By Urban Family, May 12, 2014 19:00

C-Sections still favored by women giving birth in Shanghai

The Chinese government wants more women to undergo natural childbirth, but many mothers-to-be still prefer caesarean sections according to new figures

By Urban Family, May 12, 2014 13:00

Students hacked into college website to help classmates skip PE

Two college students have been arrested after allegedly being paid by classmates to hack into the school's website to alter morning run records, Shanghai Daily reports.

By Urban Family, May 09, 2014 13:00

The Homework Homestretch

Implementing these study tips will not only help students gain the most from their studies, they will also ensure that students set and develop good habits for college and beyond.

By Urban Family, Apr 15, 2014 14:50

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