Urban Aphrodite's 2 Newest Family-Friendly Productions

Urban Aphrodite is back with two shows for the family: The 39 Steps and The Princess Bride.

By virginiawerner, Apr 21, 2016 12:33

Settling in the City: Eliminating Clutter in the Home

Turns out, decluttering is an art...Shirani Alfreds shows us how to master it.

By Shirani Alfreds, Apr 21, 2016 11:15

Our Favorite Things: The Garbe-Lane Family

This family tells us their favorite things in Shanghai.

By Urban Family, Mar 31, 2016 11:12

Coming Soon: Voting for the Young Eyes Photo Contest

We're hosting a photography competition and exhibition for talented youngsters in Shanghai, and soon it will be time to choose your favorites!

By Urban Family, Mar 26, 2016 16:26

7 Ways to Get a Better Night's Sleep

Tricks to try to sleep better at night

By April Rixon, Mar 25, 2016 11:11

Hot Stone Massages

The cold has settled in Shanghai and winter is definitely here. One idea to really warm yourself up is to get a calming hot stone massage.

By Alyssa Wieting, Jan 26, 2016 11:33

UF 5 Things: Animal Adoption & Rescue

Learn about how you can help animals in Shanghai

By Urban Family, Nov 18, 2015 11:10

A Guide to the City's Finest Home Stores

Here are some great alternatives to IKEA in Shanghai.

By Marianna Cerini, Nov 02, 2015 11:50

BLOG: Settling in the City

Identity Crisis in Shanghai

By Shirani Alfreds, Nov 02, 2015 11:40

Fall's Affordable Spa Treatments

Spa treatments that won't break the bank.

By Andrew Chin, Oct 26, 2015 10:29

NEW BLOG: Settling in the City

Follow Shirani's adventures, a mother of two, who has just moved to Shanghai!

By Shirani Alfreds, Oct 19, 2015 12:00

Barks for the Brain: Why Having a Pet is Healthy

Neuroscientific research findings suggest that owning and caring for a pet can have a significant positive impact on the biochemical makeup of our brains.

By Dr. Nate Balfanz, Aug 04, 2015 17:52

Feeling Gloomy? 3 Quick Facials for Tired Moms

All parents are sometimes in need of a quick pick-me-up. We tried out these three treatments, and must say we feel pretty refreshed.

By Urban Family, Jul 14, 2015 18:03

Mom Blogger: The Thing I look Forward To Most

Summer brings a lot of excitement to Shanghai. Whether you’re leaving for good, have a child who’s graduating school, or getting ready for a summer vacation; this time of year is all about chaotic last minute lunch dates and trips to the fake market (agai

By Urban Family, Jun 16, 2015 10:19

Father's Day Gifts: DIY Photo Message

Father’s Day is on June 21 and it’s about time to start thinking about gifts. Living in Shanghai, this part can be difficult because more stuff is often the last thing families need!

By Urban Family, Jun 15, 2015 10:26

Father’s Day at Le Royal Meridien

Dads get their day of celebration in June, and it’s the perfect opportunity to reach out and tell him how much he means to you. Whether he loves fine French cuisine, traditional Italian tastes or Cantonese delicacies, Le Royal Méridien Shanghai can offer

By Urban Family, Jun 10, 2015 10:08

Once Upon a Mattress: A Fairy Tale Ending

Being a part of Concordia’s 2015 spring musical, Once Upon A Mattress, was absolutely magical—and not just because it’s a fairy tale. As a cast member, it’s amazing how quickly the five months of rehearsal whirl by.

By Urban Family, Jun 04, 2015 10:44

Mom Blogger: How to Survive the Rainy Season

I will admit, of all the seasons in Shanghai rainy season is my least favorite. I have this thing about being damp. Even if it’s hot outside, if I’m damp, I’m miserable.

By Urban Family, Jun 03, 2015 13:22

Celebrate Children's Day at 10 Corso Como this weekend!

10 Corso Como is celebrating Children's Day with a kid's cooking lab, sign up now!

By Urban Family, May 27, 2015 09:19

Mom Blogger: Taking My Fitness to the next Level

When you’re a mom sometimes you forget to do things for yourself. Your days are filled with getting kids dressed, taking kids to school, doing grocery shopping to make sure the kids have enough of whatever they’ve decided to only eat this week, picking up

By Urban Family, May 25, 2015 17:50

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