Mom Blogger: How to Manage a Bad Day in China

Urban Family's mom blogger Nicole Chia on how to cope when you're having a bad China day.

By Urban Family, Sep 03, 2014 15:23

Meet Our New Mom Blogger: Nicole Chia

I remember being bewildered by this big grey city, full of people that spoke a really difficult language that I had no idea how to navigate. All my life I had lived in Toronto, Canada, so I mean, I’m used to cities, but never had I lived in somewhere so a

By Urban Family, Aug 20, 2014 10:11

Fight the bite: Keep mosquitoes at bay with these handy tips

We asked Dr. Lincoln Sakiara Miyasaka, a family medicine doctor at Shanghai United Family Hospital for advice on how to avoid becoming a mosquito magnet this summer.

By Urban Family, Jun 23, 2014 15:00

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