With UF Readers' Picks WeChat project, Urban Family hopes to remove the endless shopping research and bring back the good old days when the market options were straightforward. UFRP will help you find the best of the best without the hassle.
Are you forever searching for the right brand of dog food? Or have you found a brand that ticks all the boxes in terms of quality ingredients and appeal to your precious pooch? While many brands claim that they provide the right nutrients, it’s hard to know which ones to trust. Living in China, where availability can be limited and prices are inevitably higher, means the search can be harder.
In this cycle of UF Readers' Picks, let’s break down the options and look at which dog food brands you think are the best for your family pet; thinking about taste, nutrition, value for money and availability.
For more Readers' Picks, click here.
To participate, follow our WeChat and comment at the bottom of the post with your favorite dog food brands, and we will come up with a list of your recommendations at the end of next week!