30 Fake Chinese Universities Have Been Exposed Online

College information website SDaXue has recently come out with a list of 30 fake Chinese universities.

By Virginia Werner, Jul 01, 2016 14:39

This New Website Translates Taobao into English

By Lucas Dos Santos, Mar 28, 2016 18:17

Shanghai to Open World’s Largest LEGO Store

What could make the new Disneyland even better? LEGO, of course.

By Isabella Farr, Mar 14, 2016 15:58

Half of Shanghai Children's Furniture Deemed Unsafe

A municipal market watchdog took down many substandard products, most of them from online vendors

By Lucas dos Santos, Mar 14, 2016 14:40

Netflix to Ban VPNs, Because Life is Unfair

The online movie and television streaming service recently announced that it would be banning the use of VPNs to access content.

By Urban Family, Jan 20, 2016 10:36

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