Anything to do with electroshock therapy in Western medicine is quickly associated with its contentious use in the history of treatment for mental health conditions. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is never applied to the head or used for anything related to mental health. Instead, it is an accepted and widely used therapy, particularly for arthritis and pain relief.
The targeted area is massaged for 10 minutes and then a heavy heat pad is applied to maintain warmth. Electrical stimulation is provided by a laptop-sized machine. Two small paddles are placed on the problematic part of the body alongside the heating pad and deliver alternating currents.
“The alternation moves the muscle, which exercises it,” explains Dr Xiao Neng. This assists in working out the pain by strengthening the muscle and increasing blood circulation. The machine delivers jolts on a scale of one to 50, though normally voltage remains on the lower end of the meter.
It is a strange sensation at first. Not painful, just a pulsating ping. A heat lamp is turned on above the area to augment the effects. Dr Xiao recommends five sessions for best results. Electrical stimulation therapy also combines well with other TCM treatments, especially acupuncture. JK
// RMB60/body area. Shamian Traditional Chinese Medical Center, 85-87 Shamian Bei Lu, Liwan District, Guangzhou 沙面国医馆, 广州市荔湾区沙面北街85-87号 (020-8121 8383)