双语阅读 CICC故事书 | 牛郎织女 The Cowherd and the Weaver Maid

Nicole, 2019/06/03 14:28


今天,我们给大家分享的是《牛郎织女》(The Cowherd and the Weaver Maid)节选。七夕节是以“牛郎织女”民间传说为载体的中国传统节日,被认为是中国最具浪漫色彩的传统节日,是世界上最早的爱情节日。七夕节发源于中国,在部分受中华文化影响的亚洲国家如日本、朝鲜半岛、越南等也有庆祝七夕的传统。

According to legend, the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother of the West had seven beautiful granddaughters. The most adorable of them all was the youngest one, the "Weaver Girl"or Zhinu in Chinese. She was pretty and kindhearted. She was a very talented weaver and could weave the most colorful and gorgeous cloud patterns. Each of the different, colourful layersof cloud changed according to the seasons. The changes of the colors and patterns were the clouds that people could see from earth.


On earth, there lived a poor young cowherd called Niulang. His parents passed away when he was very young and he lived with his brothers family. His brother's wife was a stingy person and didn't want Niulang to share the family's properties. She forced Niulang to leave home and only gave him an old, sick OX.


Niulang left home and arrived at the foot of a small mountain. He decided that it was a good area that he could turn into a farmland. He built a small hut and moved in with the old ox.


From then on, the old ox became Niulang's only friend. The kindhearted Niulang collected the best green grass and fresh water to feed the ox. Under Niulang's great care, the ox grew stronger by the day. They lived together and farmed the land. Gradually life became better.



However, Niulang felt lonely all by himself in the house. He was looking up in the sky with all the sparkling little stars. He said to himself, "It would be great if there was someone who could cook for me and also talk to me."


One day, the ox suddenly spoke and said to Niulang, "Thank you for taking good care of me. Please go quickly to the lotus pond. There are many fairy maidens swimming there. Maybe you can find your wife there."


Niulang was shocked to discover that the ox could speak. He quickly went to the pond and hid behind the bushes beside the pond to await the arrival of the fairy maidens. It was a long time before all seven fairy maidens ascended to the side of the pond. They were the granddaughters of the Lady Queen Mother. The seven of them happily jumped into the water and swam.

牛郎听到老牛说人话,真是又惊又喜。他连忙按照老牛说的,赶到碧莲池,躲在了池边的芦苇丛里,等候仙女们降临。不ー会儿,果然看到七位仙女翩翩飞 落到了池塘边!她们正是王母娘娘的孙女们。七位仙女嬉笑打闹着走进池塘里,洗起澡来。

Niulang thougnt about how to choose his future wife.







