双语阅读 | 优测试:测出你内心的阴暗指数!

Peter Chen, 2019/05/14 15:11


URTEST: Which Lips Do You Think Are 'Poisoned'? Measure Your Inner Darkness Level!







Testing Result:


A. Your inner darkness level is zero percent. You're not a gloomy person at all. Living probably in the rural area, you have been taught by your parents how to be a good person and you never failed their expectations. In life, you are sunny and cheerful, and have been nice to all your friends who are expectantly not liars or backbiters – these you could neither in favor of nor tolerate. You're so friendly to anyone whom you're not even acquainted with – this has caused that you're loved by many, including those who would like to abuse your friendship to the extent of encroachment on your kindness and integrity. Therefore, you have to keep an eye on how to handle your interpersonal relationship, lest you be hurt.


B. Your inner darkness level is seventy percent. You seem to be implicit and like to keep a low profile so no one could ever figure out what's beneath your calm appearance. You would never give an affirmative answer even if someone has approached you, nor would you let the cat out by trying to blur what could be an answer, having struck others as 'conniving'. Since you have hid your true-self for quite a long time, you are becoming increasingly introvert. In fact, it's not bad thing to open your heart occasionally to others as you can always find someone who can accept who you are in life – active proximity to them may give you a different view of the world.


C. Your inner darkness level is eighty percent. You seem to be very contradictory, with tranquilly calm appearance versus entangled depression inside. You would find something in the past unforgettable, particularly some bitter memories that will keep you burdened in the days ahead. You will never forgive those who have hurt you. You're terribly stubborn to the extent that you will never let go of the people or things you've set your mind on.



