双语 | 塞缪尔·约翰逊《睡之颂》

Peter Chen, 2019/02/23 20:06

塞缪尔·约翰逊(Samuel Johnson),英国作家、文学评论家和诗人。1728年进入牛津大学学习。因家贫而中途辍学。1737年开始为《绅士杂志》撰写文章。以后自编周刊《漫步者》(1750~1752)。经九年的奋斗,终于编成《英语大辞典》(1755)。约翰逊从此扬名。1764年协助雷诺兹成立文学俱乐部,参加者有鲍斯韦尔、哥尔德斯密斯、伯克等人,对当时的文化发展起了推动作用。一生重要作品有长诗《伦敦》(1738)、《人类欲望的虚幻》(1749)、《阿比西尼亚王子》(1759)等。还编注了《莎士比亚集》(1765)。



An Encomium on Sleep


If every day did not produce fresh instances of the ingratitude of mankind, we might, perhaps, be at a loss, why so liberal and impartial a benefactor as sleep, should meet with so few historians or panegyrists. Writers are so totally absorbed by the business of the day, as never to turn their attention to that power whose officious hand so seasonably suspends the burden of life; and without whose interposition, man would not be able to endure the fatigue of labour, however rewarded, or the struggle with opposition, however successful.


Night, though she divides to many the longest part of life, and to almost all the most innocent and happy, is yet unthankfully neglected, except by those who pervert her gifts.


The astronomers, indeed, expect her with impatience, and felicitate themselves upon her arrival: Fontenelle has not failed to celebrate her praises; and to chide the sun for hiding from his view the worlds, which he imagines to appear in every constellation. Nor have the poets been always deficient in her praises: Milton has observed of the night, that it is

--The pleasant time, the cool, the silent.
(Paradise Lost, V. 438)


-- 快意之时、凉爽之意、寂静无声。




