New moms can find it difficult to get back into the swing of working out due to a lack of time or letting your body recover from birth. Mommy & Me yoga classes are a great way to ease your body back into that active routine while bonding with your baby. These classes are becoming all the rage here in Shanghai, springing up in multiple yoga studios across the city. If you don’t have time to make it to a class, try it for yourself at home. Ideal to perform with children ages 2 months to 2 years, these three simple yoga poses can be done right in your own living room.
Photos by Mario Grey
1. Half Navasana or “Boat Pose”
Start by sitting on your yoga mat with your legs together and straight out in front of you while your baby straddles your hips. Slightly lean back, bringing your knees up so that your lower legs are parallel to the floor and your baby is safely tucked between your torso and thighs. Support yourself further by gently grabbing the back of your knees. If you are a more advance yogi, try the same position with straight legs.
2. Chandrasana or “Moon Pose”
Begin in an upright lunge position with your right knee on the floor and your left leg in front of you at 90 degrees. Your baby can either be straddling your left leg and propped against your torso or standing on your leg being held up as pictured. Gently move your left foot forward sliding into a forward lunge. This position is great to have eye contact with your baby and can also be a great arm workout. Make sure that your left knee always stays at 90 degrees to the floor and doesn’t lean past your toes. Swap sides.
3. Virabhadrasana 2 or “Warrior 2”
Start standing up with your baby on your left hip. Slide your left foot out, toes facing your left, while keeping your hips facing the front as much as possible. Your baby can either straddle your left leg in this pose or he or she can sit on your thigh as pictured. Concentrate on pressing your right heel and the edge of your foot on the floor, as well as keeping your abdominal muscles engaged. Extend your right arm out parallel to the ground and hold. Switch sides.
Photos and guidance at Y+ Yoga Center.