Fight the bite: Keep mosquitoes at bay with these handy tips

We asked Dr. Lincoln Sakiara Miyasaka, a family medicine doctor at Shanghai United Family Hospital for advice on how to avoid becoming a mosquito magnet this summer.

By Urban Family, Jun 23, 2014 15:00

Fruit and Veg: Wash the pesticides away

Food safety is one of the top concerns of parents in Shanghai. One way to take control of food safety is learning how to properly wash your fruits and vegetables.

By Urban Family, May 20, 2014 14:00

Can TCM Cure Childhood Asthma?

Asthma comes in different forms and levels. While Western medicine merely controls attacks, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can cure the root of the asthma. Even in the most severe cases, a reduction in symptoms can usually be achieved.

By Urban Family, May 14, 2014 12:30

Students hacked into college website to help classmates skip PE

Two college students have been arrested after allegedly being paid by classmates to hack into the school's website to alter morning run records, Shanghai Daily reports.

By Urban Family, May 09, 2014 13:00

5 easy steps for healthier air and water

Don't let the sometimes shocking news about China's air and water quality to scare you away. Follow these simple solutions to ensure your family's safety.

By Urban Family, Apr 18, 2014 14:00

Hiring Help: Ayis and Drivers to the Rescue

Our tips for getting the best help in Shanghai

By Urban Family, Apr 01, 2014 09:20

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