Expat moms are apparently topping the parenting game.
Whilst other moms worry about which paediatrician they will see, vaccinations, breastfeeding or formula they will use, expat moms are busy considering whether to take a taxi with their 2 year old on their lap, or whether to go outside when the pollution is high.
Becoming a mother quickly can lead to a sense of confusion. Everybody gives advice and judgement may follow your choices. Living in a different country can present even more confusion for mothers.
According to iamexpat, expat mothers are more accepting of the choices of others and are less arrogant at the parenting game. There can be more of a sense of camaraderie among expat moms that is unique from other “mom” social circles. After all, figuring out if you should be using a car seat in a taxi becomes secondary to communicating effectively with a taxi driver in Shanghai...