今天,我们给大家分享的是《百鸟朝凤》(All Birds Paying Homeage to the Phoenix)节选。很久很久以前,有两只本领高强、神通广大的鸟,一只叫凤凰,另一只叫毕方。凤凰不但雍容华贵,聪慧美丽,还很勤劳,不像别的鸟那样吃饱了就知道玩,而是从早到晚忙个不停,将别的鸟扔掉的果实都一颗一颗捡起来,收藏在洞里。
According to legend, in 26 century BC,there once lived a hardworking emperor called Yellow Emperor, who loved his people. He taught them how to get fire from wood by friction, how to buildboats and carts for transport, how to drill wells for water and how todomesticate wild animals.
Around him were a group of able andresourceful officials. Amongst them were Rongcheng w o designed the lunarcalendar, Jusong and Cangjie who invented hieroglyphs (Chinese pictographiccharacters), and Linglun who created different musical tunes and melodies.
One day, a number of officials came to havean audience with the Yellow Emperor; however, the latter seemed to be deeplyworried. The officials asked, "We would like to know what is troublingyou, Your Majesty?
The Yellow Emperor sighed and said,"Well, I have domesticated over a hundred different types of birds in thewhole world and I still haven't had the chance to see what a Phoenix looks like.
The officials looked at each other and didnot know how to answer the emperor.
“Why don't we go and ask Tianlao, thelearned man, an elderly official suggested. “Rumor has it that Tianlao knowseverything. Perhaps he will know where to find a Phoenix. “
The Yellow Emperor was very happy to hearthe suggestion and could not wait to lead the group of officials to visitTianlao.