YCIS Beijing’s 6th annual Global Community Day will take place on Saturday, May 17th, with the theme ‘Celebrating the Beijing Community’.
By Urban Family, Dec 24, 2015 19:30
Have you always dreamed of being a real life patch adams? To go into a hospital and bring smiles and laughter to children living their lives within hospital walls, estranged by their family and occupying rooms of an orphanages or shelter?
By Urban Family, Dec 24, 2015 19:30
Western Academy of Beijing presents the 9th Annual Rock In The Park. The event is a community-based event that celebrates the Arts! Any profits raised are given to a charity of our choosing!
By Urban Family, Dec 24, 2015 19:30
HoK Yard Sale on the 25th May at Quanfa Gardens Campus, open to ALL the community!
By Urban Family, Dec 24, 2015 19:30